In SOMOS COLORES we have, a pioneering project at the national level within the educational field, especially in the children’s school area, including the figure of the occupational therapist specialized in early care and sensory integration within the team, incorporating the focus of Sensory Integration into classrooms 0 to 3 years old.
Occupational Therapy is “a profession that deals with the promotion of health and welfare through occupation. The main objective of occupational therapy is to train people to participate in daily life activities.
In the field of Pediatric Therapy, the objective is to improve autonomy, participation and development of children through prevention, assessment and treatment of participation difficulties in different areas.
- Personal care (self-feeding, dress, bathroom, hygiene, defecation and urination).
- School performance.
- Game.
- Sensory Processing.
- Motor skills.
- Praxis.
- Early attention.
- Mature delays, TEA, THDA, Down Syndrome…
Sensorial integration is the ability of the Central Nervous System (CNS) to interpret and organize information received from all the sensations we experience from our own body, as well as from the outside ( taste, view, ear, touch, smell, movement, gravity and position in space), for use.
When sensations are integrated, the brain uses them to create perceptions, behaviors and learning, allowing us to relate to the environment or respond to situations in a meaningful way.
Where this process is not properly conducted, specialized Occupational therapist should evaluate and provide specific and individualized treatment.