It is one of our free air spaces.
Natural spaces give our children the opportunity of moving and learning in a relaxing and happy environment.
Children who can play and explore for gardens and natural spaces have a bigger capacity to remain connected to land and tuned with nature when they become adults. In SOMOS COLORES, we give great importance to this space. In our “Nature Space”, plants are grown with small ones to encourage interest in gardening. Giving them the opportunity to collaborate, develop, create, explore and imagine. For them, it is always felt as a special gift and teach them responsibility, through love, respect and care. Always free to choose how and when. ¡ Make them happy¡.
It is an environment rich in resources, where we will use a variety of natural materials to play and Foster creativity.
The seasons, weather and daily light and darkness patterns affect the plants and creatures in many tangible forms. This changing landscape is fascinating for boys, girls, and a valuable learning experience.
“Activities created in outdoor spaces and changing environment stimulate imagination”.