Our school has a space designed and prepared carefully so that children through different materials, sensations and movement can satisfy the desire and need to explore their body, to investigate, observe, be and grow through imagination.
We have an immersive LIGHT space where there are many free exploration proposals that promote the innate curiosity of children and the development of their creativity. It is a formidable food in our school for the curiosity of children. It generates moments in which they can find calm. The game in this context becomes rich, varied and prolonged, with sight incentive, but for the rest of the senses (sensory integration). We work fine motor, aromas and textures have presence when we choose materials extracted from nature.
“Light is essential for life and is fascinating. It promotes research experimentation”.
SENSORY INTEGRATION. In this space aims to improve children needs to provide significant early experiences and help optimal development of the smaller, identify disorders and delays that may require assistance or treatment..
All this through play and fun, intervening in a preventive way in the reduction of difficulties and learning process in a positive way, reducing the possible difficulties and helping to develop in a comprehensive way, favoring all their learning areas in a natural environment for the children and family, such as our children’s school.
Sessions are held every week, proposals for activities with which the sensory-motor area is worked to promote the development of children in such areas as: thin motor Skills, thick motor Skills, motor planning, self-regulation, sensory processing… always with a preventive approach and creating spaces and environments that favor the acquisition of learning in a natural way. Also analyze the smallest’s sensorial and motor characteristics during school stage in Somos Colores.
THE MOVEMENT, a free movement within a cozy space, that develops thick motor, which includes a spontaneous part maturate, at a rate that emerges in shape and of each girl and boy, that need the accompaniment, and observation of our occupational therapist who will ensure the necessary conditions if you force and always bear in mind that each of our little ones is different.
“Free movement in smallest ones implicate to understand the way the relation and the globality of its day a day”.