Somos Colores: Alicante’s Children School whose educational programme is active, dynamics and inclusive
Alicante’s Children School Educational programme are based on alternative pedagogies aimed at the comprehensive approach of the child.
Our educational programme is based on a teaching method of experiences where play, amazement, research, experimentation and movement are essential for the comprehensive development of the child. We also take into account sensory development and multiple intelligences in our educational intervention. Our wish is that every child will achieve its maximum potential in all areas in this very important first period of life.
Alicante’s Children School Somos Colores understands the children in their globality. In order to accompany them in their development we are based on a fundamental work of movement, artistic expression and experimentation, as they are a motivating and respectful way of each of them.
But if there is something really remarkable for us, it is the importance of the daily conquest of the small children; their growing autonomy, their first steps, their first words… “Small kids autonomous, safe and dear”.
The facilities and environment of Somos Colores Children School are our main educative tool. We offer a careful and designed space for them, respecting the needs of each evolutionary moment, aesthetics…ultimately a pleasant atmosphere that will make them feel safe and comfortable to explore, play, inspect, create and express. A place that will make the wellbeing of our little and small kids.
In Somos Colores Children’s School, we offer an environment where the intelligence of the children develops through free movement, play and proposals designed by teachers, with mostly natural materials. We work projects based on the interests and needs of our children and always bearing in mind that the class is a living organism in environment through the creation of different spaces that meet your needs. Places that invite relaxation of play experimentation but about all a place that gives much LOVE.
Everything carried out by the educational team of our school Somos Colores we have qualified personnel in teaching the younger ones who are able to watch , listening to feel how, to feel empathy, to start productively by enabling the performance of freedom. Always with a great deal of patience respect and affection wanting and understanding in all situations our boys, girls, and taking into account that very little one is different.
not based on the idea that everyone is equal
but that they are all different.”
So that they feel welcomed, listened to and valued during this important and basic first stage of their children’s lives.
Child literature
Literature in Somos Colores’ Children School is the thread of the game, different activities and daily experiences.
In our school, tale and books have a very important value, as they are able to give information through senses, quality and diversity. We therefore have warm corners, and we program readings to make them pleasant, build confidence and thus develop, gradually, the attention and concentration of children.
Mini worlds
can be everything.”
Why pedagogies and alternative approaches?
The first years of our Young people’s lives are vital during this time are architects of their own mind and character by establishing patterns that will lead them to their adult identity. Education based on pedagogy and alternative approaches is designed to constantly motivate them to learn and thus maximize their potential through projects using mostly natural materials laying the foundations for a future of unlimited possibilities.
These methodologies are fascinating and innovative.
The main premises of the alternative pedagogies on which our school is base are:
Scientific Part
The boy and girl are the centre of our child school. Teachers are the guides that accompany the young people by preparing educational proposals based on facts of reality and nature in a clean and orderly space.
Through this methodology, we seek that the little one is motivated to develop knowledge in which he has interest and thus develop in a critical spirit to ask himself questions and to seek tangible and proven answers to be more autonomous.
“The child who has the freedom and the opportunity to manipulate and use his hand in a logical way, with consequences using real elements, develops a strong personality.”
María Montessori
Art and creativity
Through the game, art, movement and music, our children learn and develop their imagination. Free and symbolic play is the centre of the education of the youngest, working empathy, creativity and vitality.
“The Child must be received with respect, educated with love, put into life finally free.”
Rudolf Steiner
Experimentation and amazement
Our spaces are developed according to what interests boys and girls. Through our projects, teachers motivate the younger to investigate and find the answer.
Children’s school is a living organism. A place where the smallest grow together and where knowledge is acquired through experimentation. The spaces are of paramount importance, is the third teacher and we therefore see that they are aesthetically decorated and offering different motivating and amazing proposals.
“Children’s and children’s things are learned from the children.”
Loris Malaguzzi
Through the movement, we’ll achieve, especially in the smallest of our school, to develop autonomy. We have in our spaces furniture and objects that allow babies to move alone and develop their motor spontaneously, reaching a proper motor development. Teachers observe and encourage children to move forward from patience, calm and respecting the pace of each pupil. Are sought to ensure that every small is free to live and have a positive and autonomous attitude towards their achievements and failures.
“The essential thing is that the child discovers the maximum possible things for himself. If we help him to solve all his tasks, we take away what is most important for his mental development; the child who achieves something through self-sustaining experiments acquires knowledge completely different from those of a child who previously offered the solution.”
Emmi Pikler
Through the movement, we encourage the small to experience their own body and build their own identity by facilitating the stimulation of processes that open to communication, expression, to symbolization and decentration, all factors necessary to access operational thinking, making smart boys and girls.
“A child who plays alone is not alone: He is with his thoughts, with his imaginary, with the other who is absent. In the game, the child brings to the present an earlier experience lived in relation to parents and the environment.”
Bernard Aucouturier